Welcome to White Peak

September 30, 2020 White Peak Farm

When in college, I had a preceptor that asked me a question that’s lingered with me years later. He asked me what my goal in life was. Being that I was nearing the end of my last year of pharmacy school, this question caught me off guard. I told him I wanted to become a pharmacist. He laughed and stated, “No. I mean, what are your life goals. Beyond the graduation date. Beyond this current dream.” It kinda hit me in my gut. I didn’t have life plans past May 2015. I didn’t know what I wanted in life other than my career choice. This question still resonates with me and I use it on a regular basis to help drive my mindset in the right direction.

After marrying Chad in 2016, I realized that God had given me a man full of dreams: big ones. Furthermore, our dreams seemed to line up perfectly. The only difference, I questioned whether things would come to fruition while Chad confidently believed that if God had it planned for us and purposed it in our hearts, it would come to be in time.

Within the first year of our marriage, we had dreamt up Spears Design Co, dreamt of flipping houses, and dreamt often of a home on a beautiful piece of land overlooking the mountains. Chad had made it clear that he wanted to be within quick driving distance of our parents. To some, this may mean 30 minutes or less. To Chad, this meant 10 minutes or less. For us, that placed us right in the heart of either Millers Creek or Purlear. If you’re from our home town, you know that these are places of high demand in Wilkes. On top of this very specific location, Chad desired to own 100 acres. This amount of land overwhelmed me, honestly. I preferred 20 acres. But Chad had solid reasons. He wanted to hunt it, work it, and develop our own little homestead on it. I slowly warmed to the idea and prayed that God would give us peace whenever it came time to settle down.

We searched and searched for the perfect spot with a mountain view and great neighborhood. I grew frustrated and oftentimes told Chad that we would likely have to settle. I told him I didn’t know if we’d be able to afford such a piece of land. He never wavered in his version of our dream, and, after lots of prayers, we stumbled onto the piece of property that we are now calling home. We will share more with you about the specifics and how clear it was that God intended us to be there.

Now that the Lord has lead us to our land, we’re prayerfully dreaming about what we will do on it. We’re excited to share bits and pieces along the way with each of you and keeping all the details to look back on later down the road. We imagine there will be times that things won’t work out as we plan, and we will “adapt and overcome” as Chad always says. We imagine as we reflect through this process, we will repeatedly have to say, “That had to be God.” We look forward to going through this season of growth for our family and we are elated to introduce you all to “White Peak Farm”.